Memories of Esther

Everything You Would Want in a Mother
My mom was a special person to me and so many others. She defined what it means to be "a mother" and she was everything you would want in a Mother.
She was generous, honest, loyal, committed, encouraging, beautiful, caring and very funny. She always showed integrity, and above all gave unconditional love. She was that way with us, my dad, her family and her friends.
Raising three children, me, my sister Kelley and my brother Joey, she taught us how to be better people and how to "walk the talk". She showed us how to be happy with what we had, and at the same time she inspired us to be more.
She helped us all realize our unlimited potential. For me, golf was my passion and she shared that with me, not just as a support system, but as a player. She loved it. She played golf almost everyday in the summer. Together we played the early days at Brooklawn and Lyndon in Syracuse and I clearly remember some of those precious days playing on those good old munis as we learned the game. One of my most vivid memories was being caught in a violent thunderstorm at Brooklawn, as we huddled in a storm shed, although she was scared too, she held me close as a bolt of lightening hit very close to us. It was always when things seemed most difficult that I saw my mom rise to the occasion and become a pillar of strength.
My mom was always there for me in all of the ups and downs of my life and my golf. I could talk to her about anything and everything. She would tell me that all she every wanted for me or my siblings was that we were happy in our life. She knew that playing golf was the thing that made me the happiest and even though playing professional golf was filled with disappointments, she always encouraged me to get better. Those days in my life with her I will miss the most, playing golf, talking about golf and forever trying to get her to keep from wrapping her club around her neck.
My mom was also a fabulous cook and I learn from watching, asking and listening to her. She seemed to make all foods that much better. When I would visit home, there was always a bowl of pasta fagilole or some type of pasta in the fridge waiting for me. That was my mom, always thinking of everyone else, making sure that you got your favorite foods. She lived to take care of her family. She make all of the holidays a big deal, especially Christmas, decorating every inch of the house, giving more than she should and of course never spending a penny more on each of us.
My mom was a beautiful person on the inside and out. She never left the house without make up or dressed perfectly. It was important to her and she tried to instill that in me, at times I would adhere, but other times not and she would shake her head at me with a smile.
I know that I would not be who I am today if it wasn’t for my mom. I am sure that is the same for most, but I always wanted to make her proud of me because I knew how much she loved me and my siblings. We never said good bye without saying I love you and when I was visiting or with her, we never went to bed without kissing or hugging good night.. The last act of love that my mom did for me, was on a visit for Christmas before she became sick, she came in my room and literally tucked me in. It’s a memory I will keep forever. I will forever remember those tender moments and of course her making a few putts for "zings".
- Jackie Cannizzo, Esther’s daughter